Cracks of Light: Zapatismo and Palestinian Resistance as Inspiration for Social Movements

”The Zapatista and Palestinian struggle have very significant echoes of common resistance. The first of them is the importance and centrality of land for both movements, the second is dispossession as a shared form of oppression and finally, a third echo is the importance of memory and history to imagine other futures.”

Cracks of Light: Zapatismo and Palestinian Resistance as Inspiration for Social Movements READ MORE »

30 and 40 years of Zapatismo: Learning from a rebellion that did not remain a utopia

An homage to inspiration, members of the Greek collective, Calendario Zapatista outline the key elements of the Zapatista struggle which have taken it from the realm of the imagined into the real over these 30 and 40 years.

“We feel above all the need to express our deep gratitude for what we have learned from them. They are for us a constant source of inspiration and, at the same time, a 30-year challenge to join them in the common struggle against capitalist barbarism. Because we consider ourselves and are part of “that collective heart” that fights against exploitation, repression, looting and contempt for the humble.”

30 and 40 years of Zapatismo: Learning from a rebellion that did not remain a utopia READ MORE »

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