Critical thought

Ricardo Flores Magón: Living Thought

Do not listen to the sweet songs of those sirens, who want to take advantage of your sacrifice to establish a government, that is, a new dog to protect the interests of the rich. Up with all of you; but to carry out the expropriation of the goods held by the rich!

Gustavo Esteva and the Horizon of Intelligibility

At the foot of the majestic ceiba tree, in the humid sunny mornings and dusk of La Realidad, in the Lacandon jungle, where advisors and guests of the EZLN waited to meet with the commanders, Gustavo Esteva would talk for hours with other advisors.

Internal Colonialism and Autonomy

Raúl Romero
Recovering critical and dialectical thinking in light of the great theories, and always listening to the voice and actions of the peoples, brings us to imagine and create alternatives to the relations of exploitation and domination that we face under this system. The struggle for emancipation is happening at all levels — local, national, regional and global. From this complexity of interrelations, we must assume that there are several ways out.

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