
Narco Governments and Organized Crime Add to the Repression in Chiapas

Hermann Bellinghausen The hegemony of the PRI, assumed a given [in politics] for decades in Chiapas, was broken in one night on the New Year of 1994. The reality was much more porous, it turned out that the complexity of the indigenous peoples came from deep within, having great diversity and being marked by important historical tensions that, after the visibility gained in the political agenda, came to be of national interest. Great and terrible days followed in the next decade. Chiapas became a rehearsal for the future on two opposing fronts. The organized indigenous people in rebellion and resistance,

Narco Governments and Organized Crime Add to the Repression in Chiapas READ MORE »

A Repressor of Indigenous People, the Morena Candidate for Mayor of Comitán

From the Editorial Desk at La Jornada. The Morena party nominated former PRI member Jorge Constantino Kánter for municipal president of Comitán, Chiapas. He is one of the most belligerent leaders of the cattlemen and ranchers opposed the Zapatista National Liberation Army (Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional, EZLN) in 1994 and indigenous populations, against which he headed violent operations. Constantino Kánter was the mayor of Comitán during the 2005-2007 term for the Institutional Revolutionary Party (Partido Revolucionario Institucional, PRI) from which he was expelled a little after finishing his term. He was accused of supporting the Party of the Democratic

A Repressor of Indigenous People, the Morena Candidate for Mayor of Comitán READ MORE »

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