Climate change

The Impotence of States

Apologists for the State apparatus often point to its achievements while downplaying the collateral damages of dispossession and violence. Raúl Zibechi gives a few examples to make the point that States (in the service of Capital) are incapable of wielding solutions or justice in the face of the crises of our times.

The Impotence of States READ MORE »

Caravan “The South Resists” Day 5: The Community of El Bosque Devoured by Global Warming.

The Caravan El Sur Resiste on its fifth day of travel arrived in Colonia El Bosque, Tabasco, a community located between the Atlantic Ocean and the Grijalva River. El Bosque is one of many communities around the world at risk of disappearing underwater due to rising sea levels caused by climate change. In Mexico, it is one of the first communities identified as displaced by this phenomenon.

Caravan “The South Resists” Day 5: The Community of El Bosque Devoured by Global Warming. READ MORE »

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