
Pronouncement of the International Encounter El Sur Resiste/The South Resists – “Global Corporate Capitalism, Global Patriarchy, Autonomies in Revolt”.

We recognized that even in the midst of all the destruction of the capitalists there are many achievements that we are reaping: The first and most important is that after 500 years of attempts to exterminate us WE ARE STILL HERE, the organization of the community against dispossession, as well as the lands recuperated in different towns, the struggle of women for the recognition and exercise of their rights, the struggle for water, the liberation of political prisoners, the relocation of the train stations in Merida and Campeche, the establishment of zones free of extractive projects, the conservation of languages and traditional festivals and the construction of autonomies.

Pronouncement of the International Encounter El Sur Resiste/The South Resists – “Global Corporate Capitalism, Global Patriarchy, Autonomies in Revolt”. READ MORE »

THIRD CALL for the INTERNATIONAL ENCOUNTER THE SOUTH RESISTS 2023! “Global Corporate Capitalism, Planetary Patriarchy, Autonomies in Rebellion”

It is time for us to listen to each other and to point directly to those who are behind the causes of the dispossession that we experience in our territories, to that 1% of the world population whose decisions and ways of life have caused the current climate crisis that forces us to be displaced as peoples, that reconfigures our territories and confronts us with exploitation, extractivism, and war.

We are the 99% who resist the onslaught of those who would destroy us and seek to dominate us.

THIRD CALL for the INTERNATIONAL ENCOUNTER THE SOUTH RESISTS 2023! “Global Corporate Capitalism, Planetary Patriarchy, Autonomies in Rebellion” READ MORE »

The South Resists!

Under the current government of the so-called “Fourth Transformation” (4T), the south of Mexico has witnessed the ongoing pillage and plunder of its natural resources, a humanitarian crisis of migrants and refugees, an explosion of violence, organized crime and paramilitary activity, in tandem with the forced displacement and criminalization of individuals and collectives in resistance. In response to this catastrophic panorama, the Assembly of Indigenous Peoples of the Oaxacan Isthmus in Defense of Land and Territory (APIIDTT), together with other collectives in Mexico and abroad, announces the “International Caravan and Encounter The South Resists”, to be held from April 25th to May 7th .

The South Resists! READ MORE »

III Report of the Caravan of Solidarity and Documentation with the Zapatista Autonomous Community of Nuevo San Gregorio

Held on January 08 and 09, 2022 Organizations, collectives and networks adhering to the Sixth Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle: We present our report to communicate, disseminate and denounce the continued aggressions, threats, and harassment perpetrated by the group of “Los 40” – invaders targeting girls, boys, men and women of the autonomous Zapatista community of Nuevo San Gregorio, in the area of Patria Nueva, territory recovered in 1994 by the EZLN. We extend this report to individuals, families, collectives, organizations, networks and the media, so that they may contribute during the month of January to the campaign for the spread of this

III Report of the Caravan of Solidarity and Documentation with the Zapatista Autonomous Community of Nuevo San Gregorio READ MORE »

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