Solidarity Caravan January 2021
Communiqué denouncing aggressions agains the communities of Moisés Gandhi and Nuevo San Gregorio.
Solidarity Caravan January 2021 READ MORE »
Communiqué denouncing aggressions agains the communities of Moisés Gandhi and Nuevo San Gregorio.
Solidarity Caravan January 2021 READ MORE »
Giving more context to the Otomí occupation of the INPI, Luis Hernandez Navarro describes the unfortunate reality of the 4T’s “focus on the indigenous question” and the resulting “special attention” under the AMLO administration.
Indian Peoples and the 4T (Fourth Transformation) READ MORE »
by Yásnaya Elena A. Gil I’d like to start by making a concession: behind the implementation of the Mayan Train, one of the most promoted projects by the new Government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the best intentions lay the foundations for its execution. After centuries of abandonment in which the Mayan people have been dispossessed and pushed into a process of indolent impoverishment, the new government intends, at last, to implement an integral project that has as its main objective to create “social welfare for the population that inhabits the Mayan zone” and “to integrate territories of great natural
May No God Remember Your Name READ MORE »
By Ramón Vera Herrera Faced with regulations and unrealistic provisions of various levels of government, the communities, peoples and individuals that refer to themselves as part of the Network in Defense of Corn, just days ago released an urgent call to respect the autonomy of the communities and peoples and to block the advances of extractivist policies that are passed off as “essential” activities. They insist that “the right of native peoples, communities and organizations to be and to remain in isolation and determine when to return to activities, including that of schools,” because it cannot only be the “assessment
The Un- Renounceable Autonomy READ MORE »