
Spirituality and Autonomy

Considering spirituality as a support for autonomy implies overcoming narrow materialism in order to adopt a broader perspective. In Western thought the key to community is collective land, understood as a means of production and not a comprehensive life space. From what I could sense, and from what is established where the peoples resist (once again I remember the four families in Nuevo San Gregorio), spirituality is a central aspect that complements and sustains the collective possession of land.

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The South Resists!

Under the current government of the so-called “Fourth Transformation” (4T), the south of Mexico has witnessed the ongoing pillage and plunder of its natural resources, a humanitarian crisis of migrants and refugees, an explosion of violence, organized crime and paramilitary activity, in tandem with the forced displacement and criminalization of individuals and collectives in resistance. In response to this catastrophic panorama, the Assembly of Indigenous Peoples of the Oaxacan Isthmus in Defense of Land and Territory (APIIDTT), together with other collectives in Mexico and abroad, announces the “International Caravan and Encounter The South Resists”, to be held from April 25th to May 7th .

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Militarization Increases Violence and Perpetuates Violations of Human Rights and Territories of the Peoples – Frayba

Despite election promises to remove the Armed Forces from the streets and from roles in public security and the fight against organized crime, this term of office of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has witnessed continued militarization. In his ongoing love affair with the military, AMLO has given control of railways, ports and airports to the Armed Forces.

Militarization Increases Violence and Perpetuates Violations of Human Rights and Territories of the Peoples – Frayba READ MORE »

Zibechi at Sendas, Chiapas – New Pathways, New Hopes, New Challenges

September 11th, a notorious date in a number of calendars and geographies, saw Raul Zibechi presenting his latest book “Mundos otros y pueblos en movimiento” at Sendas (Pathways/paths) in San Cristobal de Las Casas. The event marked the coming together of well-trodden paths in this joint venture between Schools for Chiapas and Imaginarte, and this time with La Cosecha. Other paths and collectives also converged leading to a lively and interesting debate, and rays of hope that shed some light on the dark times that we traverse. 

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