What “left” do they speak of? From the Zapatista perspective, the López Obrador regime appears to be on the right.

“To call this MORENA government and the one that will succeed it in a few weeks “left” is to be deceived by disinformation, propaganda and post-truth. As well as by the populist narrative that now is trying to dismantle liberal democracy as “neoliberal” and “corrupt” in order to re-edit a country where elections are always won, systematically, by the party in power, as in the best times of the PRI.

What “left” do they speak of? From the Zapatista perspective, the López Obrador regime appears to be on the right. READ MORE »

Ayotzinapa: A New Rift with the State

The murder of young Yanqui Kothan Gómez Peralta has freshly poured salt into the wound that is Ayotzinapa. “For those who remember that expression “let’s not wake up the bronco Mexico,” it seems that the crime of March 7 has already awakened the rebellious and combative normalismo that, without a doubt, will be reactivated beyond Ayotzinapa. The commitment that the investigations will be continued by the next government remains. It will be obligatory.”

Ayotzinapa: A New Rift with the State READ MORE »

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