Somos de Puro Corazon (previously titled: Música Zapatista, EZLN: 20 y 10, el fuego y la palabra) has 14 tracks of Zapatista music and spoken word pieces in both Tzotzil and Spanish. The CD contains musical groups playing traditional highlands Mayan Music, revolutionary songs in a band format and dance music played on Chiapan marimba.
The CD features works by the groups:
- Grupo Liberación
- San Andrés Sacamch’en de los Pobres
- Maderas Rebeldes
- Conjunto Magdalena de la Paz
- Tres Jóvenes
This fabulous compilation is a project of Schools for Chiapas in support of autonomous indigenous education in Chiapas.
Recorded by Erin Eldred-Brown and Sheri Klein