Honey Shampoo
Benefits: Antiseptic properties, keeps the hair clean, promotes healthy growth, moisture and silkiness, and prevents hair loss.
Dragon’s Blood Shampoo
Benefits: Prevents hair loss, treats dandruff, contains vitamins, strengthens and rehabilitates from the roots. For daily use. Apply for 5 to 10 minutes and then rinse.
Lavender Shampoo
Benefits: Stimulates growth, strengthens the follicle, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. Excellent for treating dandruff. Daily use. Contains neutral shampoo and lavender extract.
Rosemary Shampoo
Formula: rosemary extract and essential oil.
Benefits: Circulatory stimulant which favors hair growth, keeping it healthy, delaying the onset of gray hair.
Honey and Chamomile Shampoo
Benefits: Antiseptic due to honey and chamomile properties, keeps hair clean, promoting growth, moisture and silkiness. Use every day and leave on for 5 minutes.