And Our Sincere Thanks to Susan and Peter

We, dear compañer@s, compañeras, y compañeros, wish you all, the very best for this season and hope it can nourish the growth of the coming season. Over this past year, we have had to change everything about how we work and how we imagine our continued work in the future. In addition, the organization has come to an important crossroads, a transition, as some of our leadership steps back — Peter Brown and Susan Beattie — taking a much deserved retirement and leaving the legacy of 27 years of innovative solidarity in our hands. We would like to acknowledge the work and commitment that these comrades have done during all these years, their labor of love and committed involvement. Schools for Chiapas would not be what it is today without them. They don’t disappear but they will continue to work on other projects that are important to them during this transition. We wish them well in their new endeavors.
We, as the new members, of the Board of Schools for Chiapas will continue to carry on their work and their legacy guided by the 7 Zapatista principles and will be doing our best to continue working for Schools for Chiapas. We will remain in contact with them and will enrich our activities with their contributions.
Our new Board:
Presidency: Concepción Martinez
Vice Presidency : Paco Vázquez
Secretary: Kate Keller
Treasurer: Adriana Barraza