Panels and Speakers.
Here is the program of activities:
Saturday, December 28th, 2024. Cideci-Unitierra Center. SCLC, Chiapas, Mexico.
Panel I: The Storm: The Crime, the Executioner and the Victims.
Participants: Jorge Alonso, John Holloway, Carlos Aguirre Rojas and Iván Prado.
1200 hrs. Cideci-Unitierra Center. SCLC, Chiapas, Mexico.
Panel II: The Storm, Mexico Chapter: The Crime, the Executioner and the Victims.
Participants: Carlos González, Jacobo Dayán, Bárbara Zamora, Inés Durán and Raúl Romero.
1600 hrs. Cideci-Unitierra Headquarters. SCLC, Chiapas, Mexico.
Panel on Zapatista Rebellion and Resistance. Part I Genealogy of the Zapatista Commons.
Insurgent Sub-commander Moisés and members of the CCRI-CG of the EZLN.
The Watchman’s Platform: A Long-sighted View of Yesterday.
Insurgent Captain Marcos.
1900 hrs. Cideci-Unitierra. SCLC, Chiapas, Mexico.
Sunday, December 29th, 2024. Cideci-Unitierra Center. SCLC, Chiapas, Mexico.
Panel on Rebellion and Resistance Part II. Women.
Participants: Anselma, Otomi compañera from the House of Indigenous Peoples and Communities “Samir Flores Soberanes”. Sylvia Marcos. Commanders of the CCRI-CG of the EZLN and authorities of the Assemblies of Collectives of Zapatista Autonomous Governments.
1200 hrs. Cideci-Unitierra. SCLC, Chiapas, Mexico.
Panel on Zapatista Rebellion and Resistance. Part III. The First Steps of the Zapatista Commons.
Insurgent Sub-commander Moisés, members of the CCRI-CG of the EZLN and promoters of the Zapatista Autonomous Health System.
The Watchman’s Platfrom: Signals to Tomorrow.
Insurgent Captain Marcos. 1700 hrs. Cideci-Unitierra. SCLC, Chiapas, Mexico.
Cultural Festival of Zapatistas and Signatories of the Declaration for Life.
Monday, December 30th to Wednesday, January 2nd, 2025 inclusive. Oventik Caracol.
“The Collapse and the Day After. The Parts and the Whole”.
A play in 12 scenes.
Zapatista youth from the 12 caracoles.
Artistic dance and music performances by signatories of the Declaration for Life and by Zapatista musician compañeros.
Dance for the end of 2024 and the beginning of 2025.
December 31st to January 1st.
That’s all.
From the mountains of the Mexican Southeast.
Insurgent Sub-commander Moisés.
Mexico, December 2024.
Original article at Enlace Zapatista, December, 2024.
Translated by Schools for Chiapas.