The Sterile Illusion of Change from Above

by Raúl Zibechi Colombia, Ecuador and Chile all demonstrate recent processes that are relatively similar. Governments of the neoliberal right confronted long-lasting popular revolts, which opened breaches in domination and put governability in jeopardy. The political system responded by channeling the dispute into the institutional arena, with the approval and enthusiasm of the left. During the revolts, grassroots organizations were strengthened and new ones were created. In Chile, more than 200 territorial assemblies and more than 500 community kitchens in Santiago when the pandemic was declared. In Ecuador, they had the Parliament of Indigenous and Social Movements, with more than …

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Narco Violence and Indigenous Youth

By: R. Aída Hernández Castillo*  Last June 14, heavily armed indigenous youth took over the popular market of San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, and maintained control of the northern zone of the city for more than three hours, stealing, burning vehicles and terrorizing the population, without the various security forces doing anything to stop them. The press and the social networks explain these actions as the confrontation between several criminal groups over control of the market, mentioning the Motonetos, the Vans and the San Juan Chamula cartel as some of the groups confronted in these fights over territorial control. …

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