Pressure from Migrants Collapses COMAR in Tapachula

The migration catastrophe continues. Mexico is now the biggest migratory corridor in the world and Chiapas is the main point of entry. ‘Crowds in Tapachula are common as it is the entry point for migrants coming from Guatemala. Between January and August of this year, there has been a record number of asylum applications in the border city, with almost 54,000, which represents more than half of all those processed in Mexico between those dates. In addition, state data indicates that Mexican immigration institutions will exceed the 129,000 applications that occurred during 2021, a record year for asylum requests. It is estimated that there will be a total of 150,000 by the end of 2023.”

Pressure from Migrants Collapses COMAR in Tapachula READ MORE »

More than 280,000 inhabitants of the border area of Chiapas trapped between drug cartels

As part of their strategy, the drug cartels have intensified the forced recruitment of the population. According to testimonies from family members, people are being forced to demonstrate on the highways, to lead marches in support of one group or another, or to serve as hired assassins. They are forced to participate as human shields and soldiers in the war between Mexican cartels for control of the country’s southern border. They have been unable to leave the area for two weeks. On Saturday, September 23, a line of men and women were forced to stand in two lines on the

More than 280,000 inhabitants of the border area of Chiapas trapped between drug cartels READ MORE »


“531 years after the beginning of the resistance and rebellion of our peoples against the war of capitalist invasion and conquest, and in the context of the 27 years since the National Indigenous Congress (CNI) was founded as the space for struggle and unity of the original peoples of Mexico, WE CALL the peoples of Mexico and the world to redouble our resistance against the death that today more than ever is imposed on us by patriarchal capitalism on a planetary scale…”


Outbreak of violence in southern border of Chiapas exposes population to shortages and insecurity

Battles between cartels and their splinter groups hold thousands hostage as roadblocks prevent the movement of food, fuel and basic goods. Schools are closed. According to state and national organizations, “the Sierra Madre region and the southern border between Chiapas and Guatemala is on fire. The negligence of the authorities increases the risk for the population in the face of constant armed confrontations, disappearances, forced recruitment and displacements…”

Outbreak of violence in southern border of Chiapas exposes population to shortages and insecurity READ MORE »

Call for Solidarity Letters for Freedom of Political Prisoners in Chiapas

The Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas Center for Human Rights and prisoner support group No Estamos Todxs are making a call for people of conscience to show their solidarity with political prisoners in Chiapas by writing letters of solidarity to them. The prisoners include EZLN Support Bases, Manuel Goméz and José Díaz, and the five environmental defenders from San Juan Cancuc, Manuel Santiz Cruz, Agustín Pérez Domínguez, Juan Velasco Aguilar, Martín Pérez Domínguez and Agustín Pérez Velasco. Please show your solidarity by participating in this action following the guidelines contained in the article. Thank you!

Call for Solidarity Letters for Freedom of Political Prisoners in Chiapas READ MORE »

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