Introducing the SFC Online Zapatista Library!
The Schools For Chiapas (SFC) English language library has been put together to mark the 20th anniversary of the Zapatista uprising. We aim to give students, teachers and researchers an accessible and ordered collection of key Zapatista texts spanning two decades of the rebel group’s public existence. A huge amount of documentation exists in the field and one could fill a large room with the amount of books, papers, dissertations and articles that have been written about and around the movement. The SFC library concentrates on emphasizing–in our humble opinion– the most important, significant and worthy texts. Considering the magnificent array of works around the movement, our task has been, as such, to separate the wheat from the chaff, and present the reader with a formidable guide to “the word which came from the depth of history.”
Introducing the SFC Online Zapatista Library! READ MORE »