Zapatista school mural @ La Montaña, Chiapas, Mexico

This mural was created in the spring of 2016 as part a collaboration between the students and educators at one Zapatista school and a group of international and Mexican people-of-conscience including students from the University of Wisconsin, Parkside. This mural painting caravan was hosted by the Zapatista Education Commission of the Caracol of Morelia and organized by Schools for Chiapas.

The descriptions below of seven sections of this mural captures some of the conversations and understandings during our mural painting collaboration. We appreciate you suggestions and comments; your support for our next Zapatista school mural is also vital! Join us!

Zapatista school mural @ La Montaña, Chiapas, Mexico READ MORE »

Zapatista Food Forests of Today: Recouping Ancient Mayan Knowledge

Beginning in 2015, Mayan students, education promoters, and other Zapatistas began the process of constructing 18 multi-species food forests in several climatic zones of Chiapas, Mexico ranging from a mile-high oak/pine forests to lowlands rain forests.

Food forests represent an ancient, alternative agricultural system which can provide food, medicine, and many other useful products through mimicking the ecology of a young forest. The ancient Mayan civilization was one of many cultures around the world which utilized perennial food forests to meet their basic needs.

For the Zapatistas their efforts to plant food forests today is a recuperation of agricultural practices utilized by their ancestors; it is also a practical response to the bankruptcy of contemporary commercial agriculture and food distribution systems. Within today’s modern Mayan communities, Zapatista educators, students, and activists are uncovering, documenting, and utilizing a rich reservoir of biological knowledge still practiced by their parents and grandparents.

Zapatista Food Forests of Today: Recouping Ancient Mayan Knowledge READ MORE »

Zapatista Schoolwork in 2016

Did you get an envelope from us in the mail this week? We sent this letter – along with colorful graphics and a newsletter – to all supporters on our list; it should have already arrived in your mailbox! Thanks to your ongoing pledges and other forms of support, Schools for Chiapas is looking forward to 2016 – our 20th year of providing moral and practical support to the autonomous schools of Chiapas, Mexico – with tremendous optimism and excitement!

We’re writing today to give you an idea of what we’ve got planned for 2016 and to invite you…

Zapatista Schoolwork in 2016 READ MORE »

From Pain, from Rage, for Truth, for Justice

From Pain, from Rage, for Truth, for Justice. September 2015 Compañeras, compañeroas, and compañeros of the Sixth in Mexico and in the World: Sisters and brothers of the peoples of the Earth: Our collective heart knows, now as before, that our pain is not a sterile sorrow. It knows that our rage is not some useless venting. We, who are what we are, know that our pain and rage are birthed and nourished by lies and injustices. Because for those who are above at the cost of those of us below, lying is a way of doing politics and they

From Pain, from Rage, for Truth, for Justice READ MORE »

Galeano Vive! Online video premiere follows worldwide showings!

“Galeano Vive! Painting a Zapatista Teacher”, a 13 minute teaching video, is now available online in Spanish, English, Japanese and Greek for use by teachers, activists, and people-of-conscience everywhere. +++++ Español esta abajo ++++. Schools for Chiapas produced the video “Galeano Vive! Painting a Zapatista Teacher” as a way of honoring the fallen teacher and also as a tool for teaching and organizing. Please share with your family, friends, and collectives!

Galeano Vive! Online video premiere follows worldwide showings! READ MORE »

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