Mayan Train, Sembrando Vida and the Trans-Isthmus Corredor: A trifecta for the dispossession of indigenous peoples.

By Iván Uranga This week an investigation was released about the impacts on the value of territorial use of indigenous and peasant communities that the projects of the Transisthmic Corridor, the Mayan Train and the Sowing Life program will have, presented by the Center for Studies for Change in the Mexican Countryside (CECCAM) and prepared by Daniel Sandoval Vazquez. The report concludes that these projects are intended not only to facilitate the flow of products from the most important companies in the world, increase the flow of tourists and reforest the South-South-East of Mexico, but that the three are part […]

Mayan Train, Sembrando Vida and the Trans-Isthmus Corredor: A trifecta for the dispossession of indigenous peoples. READ MORE »

“False, that the state can impede genetically modified corn”

Text and Photos by Daliri Oropeza Ana de Ita is emphatic: that the Mexican Senate approved the Law for the Promotion and Protection of Corn in the midst of phase 2 of the covid-19 pandemic, is a slight to society. De Ita is a senior researcher at the Center for the Study of Change in the Mexican Countryside(CECCAM). She has participated in the Network in Defense of Corn for more than 17 years. All her life she has accompanied peasant and indigenous movements, farm workers. She is sitting near her computer in case she forgets something. And although it is

“False, that the state can impede genetically modified corn” READ MORE »

Law for the Promotion and Protection of Corn: A New Legal Attack Against The People?

By Ana de Ita & Ramón Vera Herrera On March 24, the Senate approved the Federal Law for the Promotion and Protection of Native Corn (LFFPMN) after a year of corrections and discussion by the Senate and House of Representatives. In the latest version, although there were adjustments, the core content was maintained, which brings with it enormous problems, as pointed out by the Network in Defense of Corn in its position of October 2, 2019. The first and most evident is that the Law, as colloquially insisted by Senator Ana Lilia Rivera, “does not prohibit anything”. How can native

Law for the Promotion and Protection of Corn: A New Legal Attack Against The People? READ MORE »

Federal Government Takes Advantage of the Current Situation to Advance the Mayan Train: Indigenous Communities

Mexico City / Desinformémonos The Official Journal of the Federation published this Tuesday the assignment granted by the Secretariat of Communications and Transport (SCT) to the company Fonatur Tren Maya “to build, operate and exploit the general railway communication route called Tren Maya, the provision of public service of rail transport of cargo and passengers, which includes permits to provide the required auxiliary services,” for a period of 30 years. For their part, communities, activists, collectives and organizations defending indigenous peoples rejected the fact that the construction of the Tren Maya continues despite the health emergency caused by the coronavirus

Federal Government Takes Advantage of the Current Situation to Advance the Mayan Train: Indigenous Communities READ MORE »

Joint Pronouncement for Life

To the people of Chiapas To the EZLN Good Government Council To indigenous and peasant organizations To the federal, state and municipal governments To the federal, state and district health authorities San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico, April 20, 2020 From the South of Mexico, social organizations, civilians and diverse collectives came together to share information, analyze and generate strategies to face this pandemic in solidarity COVID 19. In this collective effort we find those who have been working for years for the defense and promotion of human rights: civil, political, economic, social, cultural and environmental in the state

Joint Pronouncement for Life READ MORE »

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