It’s not the virus

By Hermann Bellinghausen The crisis of the virus is here to stay and leave sequelae. Its prevalence will be greater than the mere seasonal flu, and it foreshadows a time where viral infections and other new ills will rain more and more, and they won’t be as unpredictable as the governments, churches and media would have us believe.  As the quarantines and the resistances to it unfold, the returns to a new future, the need to come to terms with the idea of too many changes to daily life, one also acquires a perspective of the numbers of deaths, of […]

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Indigenous of Aldama, Chiapas, between famine and gunfire

Text and Photos by Ángeles Mariscal ALDAMA, CHIAPAS —  On Manuela Sántiz Hernández, her thinness is a product of insufficient food. You can see it in her cheekbones and her body, it looks like that of an adolescent that has barely begun to develop. She is 24 years old and responsible for eight children. Three are hers and five were  from her mother-in-law, who died and left five small children orphaned.  They all lived in the community of Yetón, one of the 11 hamlets where 60 hectares of land are located that their aggressors from the municipality of Chenalhó try

Indigenous of Aldama, Chiapas, between famine and gunfire READ MORE »

T-MEC, Agriculture and Neoliberalism

By: Luis Hernández Navarro  The free trade hurricane devastated the Mexican countryside, ruined small and medium-sized farmers and forced millions of campesinos to migrate to the United States or agricultural fields in the country’s northwest. The free movement of agricultural merchandise across borders, with few regulations, placed unequal parties competing in equal conditions. Not only that. It radically upset the diet of the popular classes causing an epidemic of obesity, malnutrition and diabetes, the consequences of which surface today with the Covid-19 crisis. According to a study published by The New York Times, “in 2015, Mexicans bought an average of

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This is how they protect against covid-19 in Zapatista territory

How do the Zapatistas protect their territory from the coronavirus? With a diffuse and extensive territory, the EZLN has bet on prevention and physical demobilization of inhabitants. Text: Orsetta Bellani Photos: Isabel Mateos OCOSINGO, CHIAPAS. Doctor Luis Enrique Fernández Máximo learned about the red alert of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) through the Internet. He left the Zapatista autonomous clinic of the community of Las Tazas, where he works, and bought a card that allows him to connect to the web even in the area of the Lacandón Jungle where there is no signal. Since he left Tlaxcala to

This is how they protect against covid-19 in Zapatista territory READ MORE »

Statement from the Network in Defense of Corn against the attempt to approve a reform to the Federal Law of Plant Varieties (LFVV) in Mexico.

This is a statement of the Network in Defense of Corn against the attempt to approve a reform to the Federal Law of Plant Varieties (LFVV) in Mexico.  This is a statement of the Network in Defense of Corn against the attempt to approve a reform to the Federal Law of Plant Varieties (LFVV) in Mexico.  Therefore it is a rejection to the LFVV but also to the Agreement version 91 of the International Union of Protection of Plant Procurement (UPOV), an “agreement contrary to all legal logic, because a small group of large producers  — largely corporations — at

Statement from the Network in Defense of Corn against the attempt to approve a reform to the Federal Law of Plant Varieties (LFVV) in Mexico. READ MORE »

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