Murdered peasants recovered and hostages exchanged after days of dispute in Venustiano Carranza
Land disputes boil over resulting in the paramilitary assassination of two campesinos in the municipality of Venustiano Carranza.
Land disputes boil over resulting in the paramilitary assassination of two campesinos in the municipality of Venustiano Carranza.
The Zapatista Army of National Liberation began a journey across the sea that goes in the opposite direction to that which the colonizers made 500 years ago. With the maritime delegation Squadron 421 they send messages of learning from their struggle and their history of building self-determination. This is an account of the farewell voyage, until they set sail.
Squadron 421: Zapatistas Sail Against the Grain of History READ MORE »
Gilberto López y Rivas juxtaposes the Zapatista voyage for life with the insidious creep of death as the military dispossesses indigenous communities of their territory througout Mexico.
Voyage for Life Versus Military Accumulation READ MORE »
From Washington, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) ordered the Mexican government to implement precautionary measures in favor of the indigenous families of 12 communities of Aldama that live under fire from armed civilian groups operating in San Martha, Chenalho.
Luís Hernandez Navarro describes the true scope of the Zapatisa maritime delegations meeting with the outlaws and insubordinates of the European continent. For, “there is among them, albeit incipient, a jointly-created global destiny.”
From the Lacandon to the World READ MORE »