Social Organization Linked to Mayor of Las Margaritas Accused of Destroying Houses and Displacing 27 Families

Last February 7th, 198 people in the municipality of Las Margaritas, Chiapas, had their homes destroyed for not joining the “social organization” of the mayor of Las Margaritas, Chiapas. Curiously, the attack was also apparently prompted by their refusal to leave the CIOAC-H an organization with a history of paramilitary activity since February 2014.

Social Organization Linked to Mayor of Las Margaritas Accused of Destroying Houses and Displacing 27 Families READ MORE »

Oral Arguments for Simon Pedro’s Murder Postponed, Due to Defendant’s Absence

The murder of human rights defenders and journalists in the country has become a pattern of impunity that seeks to instill fear, attempts to silence the voices of those who denounce violence and defend their rights, as well as creating an immobilizing effect on the organizational processes that exist in the territories.

Oral Arguments for Simon Pedro’s Murder Postponed, Due to Defendant’s Absence READ MORE »

The Resistance of the Maya-Tojolabal Language

Language gives us the possibility of observing the organizing principles that the speakers of languages perceive, organize their world (reality principle) while structuring their language. It is these linguistic-social forms that have been constructed in the Tojolabal communities that have formed relationships nosótricas (collective, or we relationships), as quoted by linguist Carlos Lenkersdorf. These relationships are formed from the word tik which means we, this being a distinctive of the Mayan language and of all the people. The linguist himself would quote that “the we predominates not only in speaking but also in life, in acting, in the way of being of the people.”

The Resistance of the Maya-Tojolabal Language READ MORE »

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