Neither Mother nor Wife. Indigenous Women in Amatenango del Valle Highlight the Bright and Dark Sides of Being Single

Indigenous women face discrimination on three levels, for being indigenous, for being women and for being poor. The Zapatista Women’s Revolutionary Laws of 1993 marked a major advance for the women living within the autonomous communities and had some level of influence in the wider community of indigenous women in Chiapas. Despite the predominant patriarchal discourse concerning gender stereotypes, indigenous women continue to empower and exert themselves. This article by Yessica Morales from Chiapas Paralelo looks at recent research into a tendency of indigenous women from Amatenango del Valle who choose not to marry and have children but prefer to be single and independent.

Neither Mother nor Wife. Indigenous Women in Amatenango del Valle Highlight the Bright and Dark Sides of Being Single READ MORE »

Video: Armed Group Emerges in Chiapas and Announces it Will Defend the People from Jalisco New Generation Cartel

The Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) has sown such terror in Mexico that an armed group has emerged in Chiapas to combat the hired killers and defend communities from the crushing pace of the criminal organization. This was made known through a video presentation disseminated on social networks.

Video: Armed Group Emerges in Chiapas and Announces it Will Defend the People from Jalisco New Generation Cartel READ MORE »

Chiapas: Residents Denounce the Reactivation of Mine in Chicomuselo Under Intimidation and Without Environmental Permit

In a previous article Raúl Zibechi examines the criminal underpinnings of gold mining in Peru.

In the southern Sierra of Chiapas, in the municipality of Chicomuselo, residents are living under same rampant violation of rights and intimidation as a Canadian mining company imposes its activities through any means necessary. The residents have had enough.

Chiapas: Residents Denounce the Reactivation of Mine in Chicomuselo Under Intimidation and Without Environmental Permit READ MORE »

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