October 2024.
The Assemblies of Collectives of Autonomous Zapatista Governments (ACEGAZ), the Zapatista communities and the EZLN call upon all persons, groups, collectives, organizations, movements and indigenous peoples who have signed the so-called Declaration for Life, to the…
International Meetings of Rebellions and Resistances
Theme: The Storm and the Day After.
The venues for the events, as well as their execution, are pending due to the obvious situation of insecurity and violence that the three levels of government (federal, state and municipal emanating from the PRI, PAN, MC, PVEM, PT and MORENA parties), in Chiapas, have caused, fueled and covered up for several years. Well, that situation exists and persists in parts and the whole of this geography called “Mexico,” but the intention is for it to be in the southeastern Mexican state of Chiapas.
The dates planned are:
First date: Second half of December 2024 to January 3rd, 2025. Location pending. Activity: Zapatista talks about their diagnosis of the storm and the genealogy of “the common” to confront the day after. First presentation of Art by young Zapatistas. Location: pending.
Second date: February-March 2025. Music, Theater, Painting, Dance, Sculpture and Literature of the day after. Location: pending.
Third date: April 12th to 19th. Music, Theater, Dance, Painting, Literature and Sculpture of the Day After. Sciences: Physics, Chemistry, Astronomy, Mathematics, etc. Practice and teaching. Arts and Sciences Activities, without electricity, only with non-electric instruments and non-commercial materials, on the ground, without internet, without fossil fuels. Venue: pending.
Fourth date: July 2025.- Seedbed Meetings: paths, rhythm, companies and destinations for the journey on the Day After. Signatories of the Declaration for Life. Venue: pending.
Fifth Date: October-November 2025.- Walk-Ride-Horseback-Open Flight in honor of our predecessors: bare foot, flip-flops, shoes, stiletto heels, tennis, boots, ankle boots, tricycle, bikes, skates, skateboard, scooter, hand truck, wheelbarrow, motorcycle, ATV, horse, mule (without insulting), donkey (not a public official), motorboat, boat, ski, surfboard, sled, cart, carriage, car, van, truck, bus, trailer, tractor, backhoe, dump truck, wheelchair, taxi, delivery by app, drone, airplane, small plane, paper airplanes, model airplanes, pinwheels, etc. Days of the Dead: Mobile, portable or personal altars and decorations in honor of those who are missing. Venue: in parts and the whole of planet Earth.
Sixth date: Second half of December 2025: Seedbed on the Storm and the Day After, with invited speakers. Venue: to be determined.
More information in upcoming texts that will be published on the website: enlacezapatista.ezln.org.mx
From the mountains of the Mexican Southeast.
Insurgent Sub-commander Insurgente Moisés.
Mexico, October 2024.
Original article at Enlace Zapatista, October 10th, 2024.
Translated by Schools for Chiapas.