CERSS No. 5 San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, May 26, 2024.
To the compas of the EZLN,
To the media,
To the compas from below and to the left,
To the compas of the CNI,
To Sipaz,
To Swefor,
To Frayba,
To the Dioceses of San Cristobal,
To the Believing People.
We are the prisoners of San Juan Cancuc, who have been locked up for two years now, paying for a crime we have not committed.
We send our greetings to the Otomí compañerxs and to our comrade Diego G. Bautista who are currently being persecuted by the bad government for their struggle in search of a dignified place to live, from prison we tell them that they are not alone. We send them an embrace of solidarity.
We are locked up here, we will continue to fight for our immediate freedom, thank you compas.
The struggle continues!
Enough of fabricating crime!
Down with false witnesses!
Compas Diego G. Bautista and compas Otomí are not alone!

The prisoners of San Juan Cancuc
Agustin Perez Dominguez
Juan Velasco Aguilar
Agustin Perez Velasco
Martín Pérez Domínguez
Indigenous Peasant Peoples