
The Roundabout Remains

They are murdering us for the simple fact of having feminized bodies, but in the face of this we have left behind our fear, and we are not going to stop going out into the streets, we are not going to stop naming them, we are not going to stop going out carrying the memory, because what we have is life. We have the life that was taken away from them, at the moment that we are determined to go out and name them. Because memory, when it is collective, is only then memory.

Femicide as a Symptom

So many women murdered. What is going on? Where does this criminal impulse to choose the imminent femicide, whether directed at women by chance or for personal reasons, come from? We can allow ourselves to call the phenomenon an epidemic. Could it be a contagious disease?

Ricardo Flores Magón: Living Thought

Do not listen to the sweet songs of those sirens, who want to take advantage of your sacrifice to establish a government, that is, a new dog to protect the interests of the rich. Up with all of you; but to carry out the expropriation of the goods held by the rich!

Being Different, to Change the World

Difference, differences, are potentially anti-capitalist, but not in a mechanical way. In the same sense, we can assure that if there are no ways of life, no cultures and cosmovisions different from the hegemonic ones, any lasting resistance is impossible, any aspiration to change the world and overcome capitalism by building worlds-others, new and, above all, that are different. This point has been sufficiently emphasized by the Zapatista Army of National Liberation.

EZLN Announces Mobilizations for its 39th Anniversary

The EZLN was created on November 17, 1983 in the Lacandón Jungle, in the municipality of OcosingoFor many years, the EZLN indicated that it will no longer rise up in arms but will continue struggling for the benefit of the indigenous population / Photo: Gilberto Morales | El Heraldo de Chiapas By: Gilberto Morales | El Heraldo de Chiapas Altamirano  The Zapatista National Liberation Army (EZLN, Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional), announces a mobilization to celebrate its 39th anniversary in the caracoles, autonomous municipalities and Good Government Juntas that exist in the state of Chiapas. The EZLN was created on …

EZLN Announces Mobilizations for its 39th Anniversary READ MORE »

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