Organized Crime

“The Dispossession Has Just Begun and Will Last for a Long Time” -Raúl Zibechi

Raúl Zibechi warns that the wars of dispossession against the peoples have only just begun. How do we face the storm?

What “we see today is that an enormous storm is coming, that it is already underway, an infernal earthquake upon us. We cannot build material barriers against it (…) we can unite and give our arms and give ourselves to life and to mother earth, with the hope that she will show us the way.”

“The Dispossession Has Just Begun and Will Last for a Long Time” -Raúl Zibechi READ MORE »

Malverde in Chamula

In the back seat of a luxury van, an African lion looks out the right window at the streets of San Juan Chamula. The driver of the vehicle listens to El Comando Suicida del Mayo, and shows the list of narcocorridos waiting to be played. The scene, which seems to be taken from a TV drama, is real. It is part of the emerging culture in this Tsotsil municipality, along with indigenous homemade pornography and the songs of Los Cárteles de San Juan…

Malverde in Chamula READ MORE »

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