It has been 6 years since they took the life of our brother Samir Flores Soberanes, six years that those who ordered him to be killed still govern, six years of continuous deceit, suppression and contempt for our peoples, six more years of resistance, of rebellion, of struggle for life, of being Samir, inspiration, seed and encouragement to build autonomy, of another possible world.

“Justice for Samir!” cries the resistance for life against the Morelos Integral Project and against the narco-government, and justice cries out in each one of the towns, places and hearts that knew him before or after his death. “Justice!” we shout from the struggle for life in Gaza, in Chiapas, in Ostula, in the struggle against the Cholula garbage dump, in the clamor of the families of our disappeared sisters and brothers, in the struggle against the military so-called Mayan train, against the inter-oceanic corridor, xenophobia and forced displacement, the mine, the dam, the train, the corridor, the gas pipeline, the thermoelectric plant, fracking, the real estate cartel, the garbage business, the defense of rivers, seas and bodies of water, of forests and autonomous spaces on earth or in the air. Samir built justice during his life.

Six years after his cruel murder on February 20, 2019 in Amilcingo, Morelos, three days before the consultation imposed by Lopez Obrador to “legitimize” his change of heart and finish imposing the Morelos Integral Project (PIM), Samir’s murderers are still free and in power. It has been 6 years of impunity, 6 years of the impossibility of the guilty being punished because the guilty are in the government and can easily escape the justice of the State, because they are the State….

But justice is in the struggle for life, and yes, in our demand, perhaps absurd, to demand that the executioner be prosecuted and punished, to strip the capitalist king, the Mexican narco-government that ordered Samir’s death. 

Six years after Samir’s assassination, we call on the signatories of the Declaration for Life to dedicate a moment, an instant, a sowing of memory, of life and rebellion to our comrade Samir Flores Soberanes on February 20, 21, 22 or 23, to build in a dislocated way the “Global Day: Justice for Samir Flores Soberanes! 6 years of impunity.”

On those days, in Mexico, the United States, Euskal Herria, France and Italy, 6 busts of Samir will be installed, sowing his memory in the dignified territories of our sisters and brothers, in countries whose companies are or were involved in the crime of the PIM: Elecnor (Euskal Herria), Saint Gobain (France), Bonatti (Italy), Macquaire (United States), NarcoGobierno (Mexico), so that the responsibility of the capitalist global government for the death of Samir and the struggle for life will not be forgotten.   

But not only do we plant the memory of our comrade with the installation of these busts, but also in the struggle for decent housing of the Otomi community of Mexico City that founded and resists the House of the Peoples “Samir Flores Soberanes,” formerly the central offices of the INPI. In a tree in the resistance camp in Lutzerat, Germany, in a song, a poem, a drawing, a talk, a video, a conversation, a photo, a painting, an engraving, a flower or a fruit, in all of them is our brother Samir Flores Soberanes.

We call on the signatories of the Declaration for Life to join with an action or a word to the “Global Day: Justice for Samir Flores Soberanes! 6 years of impunity,” on February 20, 21, 22 or 23, 2025 or when their realities allow them to do so.

Justice will come from below and to the left, in common.

For the integral reconstitution of our peoples

Peoples’ Front in Defense of Land and Water Morelos, Puebla, Tlaxcala

National Indigenous Congress

Zapatista Army of National Liberation

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