The Zapatista Autonomous Rebellious Education System (SERAZ) has organized a unique language / cultural / political study experience for those who wish to study language (Spanish or Tzotzil) while living and learning inside a civilian Zapatista center known as a Caracol. The Zapatista Autonomous Rebel Center of Mayan Languages, Tzotzil, and Spanish (CELMRAZ), offers innovative instruction in Spanish or Tzotzil in week-long segments through a program which includes rustic dormitory-style living with meals prepared by Zapatista education promoters themselves.
All of your fees for attending this language school are used to support the education programs of Primero de Enero ESRAZ (The First of January Zapatista Autonomous Rebellious Secondary School) in the Zapatista caracol of Oventic. Click here to read the web page of CELMRAZ.
Schools for Chiapas urges everyone to consider attending CELMRAZ and is proud to have played a small role in the establishment of this important indigenous run institution. During the summer of 1999 Schools for Chiapas sent our first language school team to Chiapas with the goal of helping establish a language school in Oventic. We continued to provide support for CELMRAZ through out it’s formative years.
Today the center is fully run by the Mayan education system of the highlands of Chiapas. Click here to check out the web page published by the Zapatista Education System. You can register for language classes with a number of organizations in several countries, for a complete list click here and read to the end of the page.